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Junior, Senior & Adult Programs


The STAR Skate Program is meant to help skaters who have passed CanSkate Stage 6 (or equivalent) or who have coach recommendation further develop their figure skating skills. At PFSC, our figure skaters have ranged in age from 4 to 80+!

Our Junior Program introduces skaters to the basic figure skating elements (approximately STAR 1 to 3), and our Senior Program continues the development of more advanced skills (STAR 4 to Gold). 

Skaters take private and/or semi-private lessons with one of our Skate Canada NCCP certified club coaches, learning skills from a variety of different disciplines - Skills, Freeskate, Dance, and Artistic.

Additionally, skaters have the opportunity to participate in figure skating competitions through either the Star Pathway (test level) or Podium Pathway (competitive level).


Before registering, please consult one of our club coaches or contact our club at to ensure you are choosing the appropriate program.

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